I’ve never been in therapy. What can I expect?

Therapy is a collaborative process. The first step is an assessment of your needs. This will include some initial paperwork, an interview, and possibly further assessment using brief, paper-and-pencil questionnaires. Then your therapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan. Breakforth specializes in brief, solution-focused therapy.

How long does therapy last?

While time needed in therapy can vary depending on the issues being addressed, many problems can be addressed in 8-16 sessions, meeting once per week for about an hour with your therapist. It is important to know that you get out of therapy what you put into it. Your success depends on your willingness to work as hard out of session as you do when meeting with your therapist in session.

How will I know when I am done with therapy?

Your therapist will develop a plan with you and provide expectations for when you can reasonably expect to complete a course of therapy. Your therapist will also work with you to develop measurable goals that give you and your therapist assurance that you have achieved what you wanted in therapy. On the other hand, personal growth is a lifetime pursuit, and therapy is just one means of giving you tools to help you live your life to the fullest.

Why the name Breakforth?

Our name comes from Isaiah 58: 6-9. At Breakforth we see counseling as more than a service provided to help others. We believe therapy done well helps set oppressed people free to live joyfully and to be all they were created to be.