Todd Vance, PhD

Dr. G. Todd Vance is the founder of Breakforth Counseling and Consulting. He is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Virginia. His goal is to help each of his clients live their fullest, most productive lives. Dr. Vance specializes in the treatment of chronic depression, anxiety, PTSD, and related disorders. He also offers career coaching, couples counseling, performance mastery coaching, and enjoys helping other therapists overcome obstacles in their practices.

Education and Credentials

PhD, Clinical Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Commonwealth of Virginia

Academic Affiliations
Adjunct Professor, Liberty University (2009-present)
Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Virginia (2008-2013)

Select Publications
Vance, G.T. (2013) Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Is There a God Gene? Christian Counseling Today, Vol 20 No 3.

Favorite, T., Vance, T. (2013). Psychosocial intervention for co-existing MDD and PTSD. In Schopf, D. (eds), Psychiatric Disorders – New Frontiers in Affective Disorders, Intech Europe: CR /title/psychosocial-intervention-for-co-existing-mdd-and-ptsd

Vance,, T., Maes, H., Kendler, K.S. (2010) Genetic and environmental influences on multiple dimensions of religiosity: A twin study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 198(10), 755-761.

3959 Electric Road Suite 425
Roanoke, VA 24018
Call: (540) 206-2385
Text: (540) 339-6076

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